Happy Birthday to Olivia D!! (Tuesday)

Warm up and Mobility

Pull Up
5 x Strict C2B
20 x UB Double Unders
10 x UB Kipping C2B (no more than 10)
20 x UB Double Unders

5 x Strict Pull Ups
20 x Power Jump Singles
10 x UB Kipping Pull Ups
20 x Double Under Attempts

5 x Hard Ring Rows
10 x Hollow to Arch
20 x Power Jump Singles
10 x Banded Pull Ups
10 x Kip Swings
20 x Double Under Attempts
* Don’t overdo the pull ups. 10 is on the high end. This is a skill session with some strict strength

“I drink and I know things”

3 Rounds:
9 CTB Pull-Ups
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35#)
45 Double Unders

Accumulate 2min. Hanging from Pull-Up Bar

3 Rounds:
45 Double Unders
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35#)
9 CTB Pull-Ups