Until there is none

Until there is none

The Workout
22 Reps of each of the following movements
Calorie Row
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Back Squats 135/95 (From the floor)
Hand Release Push Ups
Front Squat (weight stays the same throughout)
Pull Ups
Lunges (alt)
Power Cleans
Box Jumps 24/20
Shoulder to Overhead
Wall Balls 20/14 to a 10’/9′ target
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Double Unders
Kettle Bell Sumo Deadlift High Pull 53/35
Flutter Kicks
Kettle Bell Hops
Kettle Bell Swings
Toes to Bar
Side Straddle Hops (Jumping Jacks)
at the 22 Minute mark everyone will pause for a 2 minute ‘moment’ of silence regardless of when you started.

Version 2
22 Reps of each of the following movements
Ring to Chest
Back Squat w/PVC pipe
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Front Squat w PVC pipe
Ring Row
Flutter Kicks
Box Jumps/Step Ups
Jumping Jacks , you will perform this twice for a total of 44 reps and move back down the ladder
You will end on burpees


This event is open to everyone. No CrossFit experience required. Do not be intimidated by the workout, everything is scaleable, including the Intro and beginner version. We fully support our Nations Veterans and strongly want to put an end to Veteran suicide. Many Veterans come home and are never able to integrate back into ‘normal’ society. We are dedicated to this cause and want to help shed some light on this issue and also let them know they are not alone. It may not always be an easy task to get a Veteran to accept our help, but we must continue to try. Our Nation owes them that! We fully support Operation Ward 57 and will host a workout based on their specifications. It is a hard and challenging workout, that will not doubt test your resolve. Again, regardless of your experience or ability this workout can be tailored to anyone. It’s our turn and we will take it from here, Here We Go……