Warm Up and Mobility
3 x 1 Snatch
Strict or Bench Press
5 x 5
Movie Clue – Sunday Papers
“Strict Fran”
21-15- 9
Thrusters 95/65
Strict Pull Ups
Warm Up and Mobility
3 x 1 Snatch
Strict or Bench Press
5 x 5
Movie Clue – Sunday Papers
“Strict Fran”
21-15- 9
Thrusters 95/65
Strict Pull Ups
Crossfit Full Potential (Newburyport)
Deads, pull-ups, Box Jumps
Minimal Sunday sunburn.
Enjoy the day, Rail Trailers!
Did they make it your best hour of the day ?
Close, but no.
Boogie boarding with my kids was a Lil better, but it was a good 60 minute sesh.
Ahhhh, good to be back.
OLY – got up to 55#; kind of rode it down.
Strict Fran – 7:43
ring rows
Thrusters @45#
No cherry pickers at 6am!
Nice get some 1 on 1 oly time with Coach Pj 🙂
STR Strict press with Theresa Made up the 6/14 work.
Strict Fran 9:04 (35#, rr)
Definitely was concerned as I decided to have pizza and ice cream for dinner THEN I saw the WOD. Yikes! Didn’t cherry pick – decided to take it like a woman and just do it!
Loved to see so many All Stars – No fear of Fran!
And the badass is BACK!
Thanks Coach PJ. We were more than warmed up for our “friend” Fran.
Way to start a Monday…
Strength: 5×5 Strict Press (75, 95, 115, 125, 75)
“Strict Fran”: 11:16 (75#)
Great start to the week! Thanks Coach PJ. Favorite quote: “Kipping ring rows are not a thing.” :^)
STR – Strict Press – Make up 6/14
5 x 45#
5 x 55#
5 x 60#
5 x 65#
5 x 60#
Strict Fran – 8:56 (55#, RR)
Awesome job today 5am! Thank you Pj!!
Strength 5×5
“Strict Fran”
Forgot my time since this morning. I think 9:03-9:10? Somewhere in that range.
Made it through 21 and halfway through 15 strict pull-ups before I needed a band for assistance.
Thanks PJ for the push to get through the thrusters!
Strict Fran
8:22 35# rr
Nice 7 pm
Thanks coach Chris
Strict Press
WOD 7:47 75#
Thrusters are still really awkward for me. It’s definitely a timing issue. Half the time I’m not using my hips and I’m just push pressing the bar overhead. Overall though I”m pretty happy with the time.
Great job 7:00 pm! Thanks Monsini!
5X5 Strength strict press .shared bar with Gus
Strict pull up Fran
12:28 (95 #)
My thrusters need to have more of a pop from outta the hole as to not to rely on the shoulder smoke as much .
Solid 4:30, great job everyone ! Thanks Big Dawg.
Solid work today Carl!
Strict pull up Fran Correction
Strength Strict press 5×5 with Carl
75, 95, 115, 125, 135(1rep…)
Thank you Mike!
Way to motor through that one Gus!
Strength percentage work today felt really good–especially after some good pain and mobility with the lacrosse ball in my upper back.
6:37, 35lb thrusters and ring rows
STR: Strict Press
WOD: Fran
7:54 (75#)
Thanks Coach Monsini!