Warm Up and Mobility
Front Squat
5 x 3
Pull Up Practice
Box Jump Practice
Open Offseason
30 seconds of Bar Muscle /C2B /Pull Up
3 – 5 Jump Over Box
For Time
100/90 Calorie Row
75 x Air Squats
50 x Sit Ups
Strength: 5X3 (175)
Sanitarium: 10:50
Great work 5 am, thanks for the efficiency tips, Krystle.
Enjoy the day.
Nice job today, buddy!
Worked with Monsini on this one
225 X 3
225 X 3
255 X 3
255 X 3
255 X 3
Felt good on this one just need to squeeze more on the way up
Got 9:23
Great workout today felt good in the pulls on the rower, air squats and sit ups all felt quick today. Thanks for the warmup and getting us ready for this one Krystle was a huge help. Way to work 5 am everyone got after this one
Looking very efficient today Tony, nice job!
Lloyd- 10:07, row resistance 6 said he can bump it up next time
Nicole- 11:42, 50 cal
hugee thanks to krystal for help with row form, i’ll get there 😉
Remember the resistance on the damper does not translate into more calories or meters. It just fatigues the muscles making more of a strength workout. Rowing is all about efficiency not resistance. Great work today!
What Mike said! A good way to think of a damper setting on an erg is like gears on a bike– you wouldn’t ride a race with the gear set to the highest resistance the entire time or else you wouldn’t get very far very fast. (You wouldn’t set it to the lowest setting either or you would be pedaling in place.) You would set it somewhere in the middle to avoid fatigue and maintain efficiency! (Even Olympic rowers do not compete with the damper set to the highest setting.) We’re all here to get better every day, way to put in the work today guys!
When you get out of your car and you know exactly who is coaching from the tunes coming out of the box 🙂
STR – made up front squat % work; these felt heavy today
85# x 8
100# x 6
110# x 3-5
100# x 5
85# x 7
10:39 (70 cal)
Would have come close to the cap if I did all 90cal, so we decided on 70 cal or 7 minutes, whichever came first. Finished the 70cal in 6-something. Keeping things at a reasonable pace on the rower (and standing in front of the fan), let me get through the squats and sit-ups at a quick pace. My legs will feel this one around lunch time.
All stars crushed this one. Nice touch with the rowers outside 🙂
Great class Koach Krystle – love, loving the tunes!
Looking fierce today Janet! Stay tuned for a dancing warm up in the future. What?!
Can’t wait!!
Felt good on the pull ups. Worked on kipping.
Sanitarium: 8:04
Thanks Krystle for the tips on the rower! I was able manage how many cal. per min. efficient.
Great workout 5am!!
Row was looking strong today Oscar way to work!
Little higher on the plates and a little try on kip.
Sanitarium 10:47 – 75 cal row/75/50
It was great to get some rowing tips before this WOD. And to learn that my damper setting of 5 should be 3 or 4…who knew?!?! I know now! I was at a good time at 70 so Koach said to go for 75. Definitely a lot of rowing but with the warmup and tips I felt more prepared to take it on. I didn’t want to cut the reps and hoped that I wouldn’t get capped. And I wasn’t – YAY!
Great work this morning and lots of good info on rowing just when it was going to be needed.
The music definitely pushes me through – I can’t always be listening but when I do…it is AWESOME! Who doesn’t love a little Queen in the AM? Under Pressure…just a bit.
Thanks Koach Krystle and Coach Mike…what a Dynamic Duo for a Tuesday.
Way to dial form in on the erg today, Lori! You were a blur during the sit-ups!
No kidding!!
Thank you! I was a bit nervous going into that WOD with the amount of cals and squats…the sit ups were the prize for not dying on the rest. Just kidding!
STR – Front Squat
5 x 3 105#
My form felt better today – I concentrated on keeping my knees out and keeping my head neutral.
Sanitarium – 9:42
I need to somehow build up/gain endurance when rowing is in the WOD. My legs were dead after the 90 cals (actually after 50!!) – I was doing 3 air squats at a time!!
5am rocked it!!
Thank you Krystle – Awesome rowing tips!!
Looks like you crushed the row to me! Air squats were supposed to be tough, just got to work through them mentally (even if you can’t feel them underneath you :-))
I may be double commenting here but awesome job today Keri, super strong row. Air squats were meant to be tough. Just got to stay mentally tough through them (even when you can’t feel your legs! ;))
Yesterday was an active recovery day after the training camp I attended this past weekend. Everything hurt and was just tired, so I popped in this morning to 9:30.
Str. 5×3 105/125/145/155/165 – finished with my old 1 rep max, so I was happy with that since I haven’t touched front squats in so long and haven’t retested in quite some time. Still working confidence and form.
“Sanitarium” – 12:09
75 calories
60 squat
45 sit-ups
Still rebuilding endurance, so the focus today was to just keep moving, and adjust the numbers as needed.
Thanks for a great class Pj! Nice work 9:30!!!
STR: worked up to 2 sets of 3×95#. These felt great, so I’m glad I didn’t lose much strength over the last two months!
Sanitarium: 10:30
Finished the row in 6:29, which I was happy with. First few squats were jelly, but they came back quickly.
Ran in the warm up. Hoping my knee will feel fine in the AM. If so I’ll definitely be running the sort distance again.
Worked on pull ups. Loooong way to go on the strength component there.
WOD 12:06 (forgot to write on white board. Oops)
Feel like I was WODing in cement today. A great motivator to get my nutrition back on track and my butt to the gym at 5am when I’ve got some energy to make some energy.
Gym. Getting closer to a kipping pull up. Practice practice practice.
Sanitarium: 12:23 (90, 75, 50). Last one done = great workout.
Thanks for the coaching tips Sarah and Gaff!
Mel, your Kipping work tonight was solid! Trust the process and you’ll get there soon!
Awesome push at the end of the WOD, way to grind it out.
Gym. First muscle up! Feeling accomplished. Thank you Sarah and Gaff!
Sanitarium: 11:20ish. 100, 75, 50.
Now all you have to do is learn to look at the clock when you finish the WOD!
Solid gym/skill work tonight, congrats on the BMU!
Nice work with the WOD, way to stay efficient during the end of the row and awesome push at the end!
Front Squat 5 x 3
Partnered with Marc C
The last 30 Cals or so were all arms. I broke up the squats into sets of 10 and moved through them pretty quickly. I had no legs left at the end!
Great job 7:00 pm! Thanks Gaff and Sarah! Congrats on the BMU William!
Front squats looked very good tonight Bri!
Strength ( front squat ) 5X 3
135X 6 ( deep pause warm up ) 185 X 3—-205 X 3 —-225 X 3 —225 X 5 —-225 X 3 ( all extra depth made sure )
Thanks Gaff for the elbow lead cues which always helps !
WOD = 9:15
Great group ,great class ,nice work peeps .Thank you Gaff n Sarah !!
Front squats looked good tonight, and great push and effort start to finish with the WOD!
Strength: Frt Sqt 5 x 3
Partner with Brian M.
WOD: 8:57
Nice work 7:00pm
Thanks Coach Gaff!
FS looked really solid, very efficient row and solid push at the end. Way to work!