Each class runs for 1 hour. The classes will begin with a warm-up (as well as mobility) that leads into skill and/or strength work prior to the “Workout of the Day”.

Saturday 7/27/24

Saturday 7/27/24

Partner Workout!!!!! 👬👭👫
Partner 1 works on,
5 x Bar Muscle Ups
10 x Hang Power Cleans 135/95
15 x Lateral Burpees over the bar

While Partner 2, Runs 400m

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Friday 7/26/24

Friday 7/26/24

Olympic Lifting
Squat Snatch
Every 1:15 x 10 Sets
Sets 1-5: 2 Reps @ 70-80%
Sets 6-10: 1 Rep @ 83%+

*If shoulders are fatigued from the week, sub for squat clean

4 Sets, For Reps
1:30 on/1:30 off
15 Overhead Squats
-Max Toes to Bar in the Remaining Time

Load: 135/95lb, 61/43kg

*If shoulders are fatigued sub OH Squats for Front Squats

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Thursday 7/25/24

Thursday 7/25/24

Gymnastics Skill
Handstand Walk
For Distance
5 Sets
:30 second Max Distance
1:30 Rest

12:00 AMRAP
10 American Kettlebell Swings
8 Box Jumps
2 Wall Walk ‘Complex’
*You will perform 2 strict handstand push ups at the top of each wall walk.

Kettlebell: 53/35lb
Box: 30/24’’

Score = Rounds + Reps

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Wednesday 7/24/24

Wednesday 7/24/24

Every 12:00 minutes
3 sets
Complete the following:
1000m Run
Set 1: 60/48 Cal Row
Set 2: 50/40 Cal Ski Erg
Set 3: 40/28 Cal Echo Bike

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Tuesday 7/23/24

Tuesday 7/23/24

For Load:
20:00 EMOM
Minute 1 – *Back Squats
Minute 2 – 6-8 L-Sit Pull-Ups
Minute 3 – 6/6 Contralateral Front Rack Step-Ups
Minute 4 – Rest

Box Height: 24/20”
Kettlebell Load: 53/35lb

Back Squat
Set 1: 12 Reps @ 60%
Set 2: 10 Reps @ 65%
Set 3: 8 Reps @ 70%
Set 4: 6 Reps @ 75%
Set 5: 4 Reps @ 80%

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Monday 7/22/24

Monday 7/22/24

Olympic Lifting
Every 2:00 x 6 sets
For Load:
Set 1: 2 x 1 Pause Split Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 76%
Set 2: 1 Pause Split Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 81%
Set 3: 1 Pause Split Jerk + 1 Split Jerk @ 86%
Set 4: 1 Split Jerk @ 91%
Set 5: 1 Split Jerk @ 91%
Set 6: 1 Split Jerk @ 91%

For Time:
3 Rounds
100 Double Unders
40-30-20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
20 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbells

Dumbbell: 50/35lb

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Sunday 7/21/24

Sunday 7/21/24

Barbell Primer
3 Sets, with an Empty Barbell
Tall Muscle Clean
Tall Power Clean
Tall Clean
High Hang Power Clean
Hang Power Clean
5 Romanian Deadlifts

For Time:
5 Sets
5 Power Cleans
10 Deadlifts
15 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 2:00 between sets

Barbell: 205/145lb

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Saturday 7/20/24

Saturday 7/20/24

Partner Workout!!!! 👫👭👬
For Reps: With a Partner
20:00 AMRAP
30 Pull-Ups
20 Dumbbell Bench Press
10 Power Snatch or Power Clean

Dumbbells (Bench Press): 50/35lb
Barbell (Power Snatch): 155/105lb

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Friday 7/19/24

Friday 7/19/24

For Time:
1600m Run
40 Dual Dumbbell Box Step Overs
800m Run
20 Dual Dumbbell Box Step Overs

Dumbbells: 2×35/25bs
Box: 24/20”

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Thursday 7/18/24

Thursday 7/18/24

Push Press
Every 2:00 x 4 Sets
4 Reps @ 75%+

Every 3:00 x 4 Sets
4 Wall Walk
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
48 Double Unders

Dumbbell: 70/50lb

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