10552535_10154398434095162_6432222141361265878_n                                                                   Mike W and Krystal F

Warm Up and Mobility

Snatch Warm Up
(1+1+1) x 3                      

Back Squat

50%x 8                            
60% x 5                          
75% x 1-2                        
85%x 1
90-95% x 1                      
100% + 1  Do additional set if necessary                                   
 “Spider Monkey”
For Time 
50 Ab Mat Sit Ups
40 Squats
30 Box Jumps
20 Burpees
10 Bar Muscle Ups/ Pull Ups
 50 Ab Mat Sit Ups
Today officially begins the programming cycle. You pick either the Olympic lifting or the strength, not both. The following day you would pick component you did NOT do the day before. Throughout two weeks no matter which days you go you will have the had the opportunity to do Strength, Olympic Lifting and Gymnastics equal amount of times. Respect the process and do not cherry pick. Here at CFRT our goal is to get you as well rounded as possible! If you have not done elements yet and do not feel comfortable with the pre Metcon movements, talk to your Coach and treat them as pure skill sessions. Always communicate with us any uncertainty and injuries/ailments. We want you as comfortable as possible with these movements and workouts in general. Time to start getting fitter CrossFit Rail Trail!