Fernando and Tanya                                                                                                                                                                                    
                                                                        Fernando and Tanya
Warm Up/Mobility
Gymnastics/ Skill
8-10 Max height jumping squats (Even)
5-10 HSPU’s*Kipping* (Odd)
Clean Warm Up
(1+1+1) x 3                      
“Shake N’ Bake”
6x Burpee Pull Ups
12x Med Ball Cleans
18x Med Ball Slams
 Rest and recovery
I love seeing all the PR’s and new milestones in a few short months. Now that we are inside and on full schedule you guys may be tempted to workout everyday. I know you guys are excited about this programming and you should be! However, we must be smart about our training. Proper rest and nutrition is so important. Yes, you must sleep 8 hours a night and eat well balanced meals. But this talk is more about “how much should I be working out?”. Everyone has  unique schedules and also have varied tolerance levels. The general rule is 3 days on with one days rest but this does not work for everyone. Some do a 5 days on 2 days off. Regardless of the type of  rest cycle, you must have one. Training seven days a week does not yield positive results. Your body demands rest and recovery to properly grow and hold those gains you worked so hard for. You may see a WOD or pre Metcon lift you really want to do. Its ok, it will come around again. And you can also make up anything at Open gym. Once the backspace is complete, you can come in and work on stuff as long as its not in use. Just because your on a rest or recovery day does not mean you cant come in to the box.  You are always welcome and highly encouraged to come in and work mobility and active recovery. Active recovery can be anything from a nice and easy row , to walking the Rail Tail.  If you ever need advice don’t hesitate to ask us. We are here for you!We always encourage a very social  and supportive environment here at CFRT. We don’t only workout together, we hang out and do social events together.  We share in our everyday achievement’s and support each other in our failure’s. We are not just a strong fit community, we are a family!