
CFRT First Elements Graduates!!

Warm Up and Mobility

6-8 x Box Jumps (24/20) + 4-6 x T2B
(All on the same minute, goal is for unbroken box jumps for experienced)
Warm Up/Skill
Snatch Balance 2×3
Heaving Snatch Balance 2×3
OHS 2×8
“Hank Marducas”
200m Run
6x Deadlift 225/155
CFRT Activities
As we have always stated, we are all about you guys (the members, aka the community, aka the family) and bringing you together when not in class. We have got some ideas that we will put into action, but we would like to hear from you guys. What kind of activities would you like to see here or even off site activities, dine outs etc. Everyone is super friendly and engaging here,  and we aim to keep building upon that.. Lets take our community to the next level. Love to hear from you CFRT!!