Duane and Anna

Duane and Anna

Warn Up and Mobility

Warm Up
Pendlay Row 2×10
Snatch Grip Deadlift
3×5 (light, focus on form)
5-10 Box Jump Overs (even)
3-5 Rope Climbs (odd)
“Bell’s Beach”
For Time
5x Squat Cleans 185/125
10x Deadlifts
4x Squat Cleans
10x Deadlifts
3x Squat Cleans
10x Deadlifts
2x Squat Cleans
10x Deadlifts
1x Squat Clean
10 x Deadlifts
At the top of every minute do 5 Burpees over bar (lateral)
Zone Diet
Hey CFRT, there has been a big buzz around the Box about the Zone diet. If there is a big interest and people want to learn more about it , we can organize a night when we come in and explain it and share experiences. If this interests anyone, lets hear from you!