Sam M. Have fun at school, we'll miss you!

Sam M. Have fun at school, we’ll miss you!

Warm Up and Mobility

Max Set Unbroken Strict HSPU’s
6-12 Pistols each leg or practice
Warm up
(Clean pull+H+Clean)
(1+1+1) x 3
3 x 2 (Moderate)
“100% Pure Adrenaline”
With a 12 Minute clock, complete
1 Minute of Box Jumps 30/24
1 Minute of Push Jerks 135/95
2 Minutes of Box Jumps
2 Minutes of Push Jerks
3 Minutes of Box Jumps
3 Minutes of Push Jerks
Max Reps, post scores for all segments
As everyone may know Sam Manero is going back to school. Her last WOD was the with early crew ,aka Bunny Rabbits, when Monica is around 🙂 . Most of you guys know Sam, but for those of you that don’t here is just a couple things about her. She has been with us since the outdoor WODs. She comes in always smiling and super excited to be around everyone. She always ahas a positive attitude and gives everything she haves. Super positive and an electric personality and she cooks some awe-some paleo treats!! Have fun at school Sam, we will miss you around the Box. Keep in touch via this site FB, etc. Now go GET AFTER OUT THERE, show them how we Rail Trailer’s get it done!!