Chris M

Chris M









Warm Up and Mobility

Warm Up and Skill
Clean Pull+ Hang+Clean (1+1+1) x 3
Clean Complex
Hang Power Clean+ Clean and Jerk (Moderate)
Front Squat
60% x 10
70% x 8
80% x 3-5
70% x 6
60% x 8
“Nip in the Air”
With a 10 Minute clock, complete
12 Plate Push Ups
2 G2O
Run 100m w/ plate
10 Plate Push Ups
4 G2o
Run 100m w/ plate
8 Plate Push Ups
6 G2O
Run 100m w/plate
6 Plate Push Ups
8 G2O
Run 100m w/plate
4 Plate Push Ups
10 G2O
Run 100m w/plate
2 Plate Push Ups
12 G2o
Run 100m w/plate
Bonus work: If complete under 10 minutes, you can complete
AMRAP Burpee Plate Jumps
Clean Eating
 Now that summer is winding down, try to let the cheats slow down as well. Let’s make some subtle adjustments to your diets. We know some of you are jumping right into the Zone and that is awesome! Now we challenge everyone else to make a change for September. Start eating cleaner in September by trying to cut out the sugar in your diets. We understand cutting it out all together is tough but the benefits will show quickly. Your energy will increase and you will notice less highs and lows throughout the day. If you have already done this, try cutting out some high glycemic carbs like breads and grains. Small, realistic changes can lead to a long term healthy lifestyle. If you accept this challenge post it here or on the FB group page to put it out there. We see more sucess when we make ourselves accountable to someone else. Support and advice will be at your disposal. Cleaner eating in 3,2,1…….