Marie A crushing the Tough Mudder!

Marie A crushing the Tough Mudder!

Warm Up and Mobility

 OTM 6
5-10 Ring Dips (even)
Squat Hold (KB) (odd)
Snatch Drops 2×2
Snatch Balance 2×2
OHS 3×5
 50-40-30-20-10 of
Double Unders
Ab Mat Sit Ups
After each Round Complete 10 x Back Squats 135/95
Hotshots 19
This Saturday we will be hosting Hotshots 19 WOD at CFRT. The anniversary of their Death is June 30,2013 but the fundraiser is being held this Saturday. This is a big loss to the Fire Fighting Community and we will honor them with hard work and sweat. We will have an Intro Class version for anyone trying CrossFit out for the first time. Hope to see everyone there.