Partner WOD
“Filthy Fifty”
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
One Partner works while other does: Plank Hold, Squat Hold, Hollow (You choose)
A note about Saturdays wod: We had a great turn out for Hotshots 19! So many of you took time out of your holiday weekend to come honor these fallen heroes. Some of you may have donated to the cause and some of you may have completed the WOD, or both. We thank you for any part you participated in today. For those of you who are new to CrossFit, or anyone who has questions about why we do hero WODs, please allow me to explain…a large majority of the CrossFit community is made up of military, police and fire fighters. When one of these men or women are lost in the line of duty, a WOD is designed in their honor. Initially it may be designed as a fundraiser to help the families of these fallen heroes however, we continue to do these workouts year after year to make sure these guys and their sacrifices are never forgotten. They should serve as a reminder to us all: Always be thankful that there are people out there who are willing to put their lives on the line to help save the lives of others. Never Forget. RIP
We are so proud of Mike and Phil for the effort they gave during todays WOD. This is a hard WOD as it is but to complete it in full gear, on air is a whole different animal. Their gear added about 60 lbs but they never quit and they finished it together. They honored the fallen today and showed us all what it means to be part of the brotherhood. Thank you both for your service. ~Sarah
Sunday 8/31/14
Aug 30, 2014 | 6 comments
Mike/Phil – You guys did a tremendous job today – Respect.
Gaff & Duane 22:01
Great work everyone, especially my partner for hammering out those K2E and Dubs.
Awesome energy this am, great to see some old faces.
Great coaching PJ, Mike and Sarah.
Enjoy the day.
So much fun at CFRT! The place looks great! Fun wod and loved being coached by all 3 of you guys!
Nice job everyone this morning. I partnered with the hubs and believe we did it in 23:35. See you guys soon!
Great work, awesome to see the Hads today!
Way to grind out a Tough Partner WOD today everyone. MID LINE stability! Missing all our regular posts , especially considering how many of you packed the Box this weekend, but I get its a busy, last weekend of summer. Remember full schedule tomorrow! See everyone at the white board!
I decided to take a much needed rest day but I could not stay away from the box. Instead I was designated rep counter for Crystal and Kristy. You ladies did an AWESOME job! You both stuck with it until the very end and even when I told you to cut the reps in half for the last 2 exercises you gave me that look like NO WAY WE GOT THIS. Overall great job by everyone. I hate missing out on WODS but rest is just as important as WODing.