Matt G aka Gaff

Matt G aka Gaff

Warm Up and Mobility

Strict or Bench Press
60% x 5
70% x 5
80% x 5
70% x 5
Max Height Box Jump
“Magic Grits”
4 RFT of
200m Run
12 x Ring Push Ups (20 Regular)/ 12-10-8-6
25 x Ab Mat Sit Ups
 Mental Game
I know I have touched on this subject before but its definitely worth revisiting. We push hard throughout workouts and get that stimulus the WOD was intended for, therefore getting fitter. Understand when we say you are getting fitter, its both physical and mental. Those last crucial minutes or last rounds of a WOD when your mind is telling you  “I cant take anymore of this” its easy to want to stay on that pace or even slow down. This is a normal mental reaction when our body is going through high intensity exercise. Now once we have been doing CrossFit for awhile, its time to break through that mental barrier and give a little extra! That’s where the good stuff is! That physical and mental capacity grows in that crucial time. That’s how we can get great results in a short amount time. The biggest reward is knowing you did something really hard and pushed through a mental barrier, whatever that may be. That will translate into your everyday life. You will look at obstacles in life the same way you look at a WOD. You will remember that you were able to chip away at the seemingly neverending reps or push through those agonizing last couple minutes. That’s how we attack life, the same way we attack WODs, one thing at a time till its done! So next time you hear us say two minutes left, make that decision to gain that little extra that’s waiting for you!