Monica B

Monica B

Warm Up and Mobility

Warm Up/skill
(Push Jerk+ Split Jerk)
1+2 x 3
Split Jerk
3 x 1 (Heavy, not max)
Front Rack Lunges (or KB Lunges)
Front Squat
5 x 3 (Moderate)
“Biological Clock”
10 Minute Clock, go as far as you can
Run 100m
20x Double Unders
Run 200m
20x Double Unders
Run 300m
20x Double Unders
Run 400m
20x Double Unders
Run 300m
20x Double Unders
Run 200m
20x Double Unders
Run 100m
If able to complete, start over
Movie Night
Just a quick reminder on our first of many Movie Nights this Saturday 9/6. Feel free to show up around 6:30 movie will start at 8:00. Bring snacks to share if you want, and we will provide some beverages. BYOB for this event. Going to be awesome, and feel free to bring loved ones along. We are planning on Talladega Nights. But of course majority rules. Respond to FB Group post for more details, in case you’re not on FB respond here. See you guys at the Movie Screen!