Laurie P

Laurie P

Warm Up and Mobility

Push Press
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5
75% x 5
6 Rounds of 40 seconds work 20 seconds rest
Double Unders (even)
 L-Sit (odd) 
“Triple-Decker Men”
With a 14 Minute Clock Complete,
Run 100m
20 x  Med Ball Sit Ups
Run 200m
20 x Med Ball Slams
Run 100m
15 x Med Ball Sit Ups
Run 200m
15 x Med Ball Slams
Run 100m
10 x Med Ball Sit Up’s
Run 200m
10 x Med Ball Slams
Run 100m
5 x Med Ball Sit Ups
Run 200m
5 x Med Ball Slams
Optional Bonus work, with remaining time complete
6 x Med Ball Cleans
8 x Med Ball Facing Burpees
10 x Ab Mat Sit Ups
This past weekend Mini G and I participated in a team competition at CrossFit 2A in Acton.  As a fairly competitive person, I have always enjoyed participating in competitions but tend to put a lot of pressure on myself to meet some unrealistic expectations I’ve placed on myself; however, this weekend, it finally clicked for me, and both Mini and I were able to head into the day calmly, with attainable goals for ourselves, and actually ENJOY THE DAY!!!  Competitions are a great opportunity to challenge yourself, meet new people, and be part of the CrossFit community outside of our box.  If you’re on the fence about competing, I strongly encourage you to do so, but be sure to head into the day with a positive attitude, realistic goals for yourself, and just enjoy the day.  Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing, or how good they are, just focus on you.  Focus on your own fitness, your own goals, and your own performance, and most of all, HAVE FUN!!! ~ Kelly G