Declan Gaffny

Declan Gaffny

Warm Up and Mobility

Push Press
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1-3
85% x 3
5 x Seated Box Jumps
10 x Wall Squats
“Slick Shoes”
Deadlifts 225/155
Box Jump Overs 24″/20″ (Lateral)
Complete 25/20 x Push Ups after every set
We have officially been open for two months. During that time we have watched you guys gain capacity, strength, mobility and technique really fast! You guys come in, do things the right way and put in a ton of hard work. We are so proud to have all of you! Your positive attitudes and drive make it a pleasure for us to Coach! You guys don’t chase after heavier weights or movements before you are ready, which is a big reason you continue to improve at the pace you are. What personal progress are you most happy about? Lets hear from ya CFRT!