

Warm Up and Mobility

Warm Up/Skill
(High Hang+Hang+Clean +Jerk) x 3
Clean Pull+High Hang+Jerk
Back Squat
5 x 1
“Marilyn Dean”
OTM 10
1,2,3,2,1Power Clean 225/145 + 10 Burpees (Even)
5 x Deadlifts + 25 Double Unders
For anyone who hasn’t heard through social media, we lost our dog and dear friend Murphy on Sunday. Though he was 9 1/2 years old it was unexpected. He was a fun, gentle, lovable dog and we were lucky to have him for so long. He was a protector and companion for Sarah while I was overseas and I found comfort knowing he was watching out for her while I was away. It is a tough loss for our family and we will miss him terribly. Please bare with us as we mourn the loss of our Murph. We appreciate the love and support from everyone here at CFRT.