CrossFit Ghazni Afghanistan

CrossFit Ghazni Afghanistan

Warm Up and Mobility

Strict or Bench Press
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1-3
85% x 3
1-4 x Muscle Ups 
5 – 10 Wall Squats
“3 Brothers Bus Tours”
For Time
18 x T2B
Run 200m
12 x T2B
Run 200m
6 x T2B
Run 200m
6 x KB Swings 53/35
Run 200m
12 x KB Swings
Run 200m
18 x KB Swings
Run 200m
Movie Night
Wednesday will be the last day to vote for Saturdays movie choice. The Departed is running away with it so for those of you who are hoping for My Cousin Vinny, you better get your votes in. The Hunger Games is so far behind Im not sure we have enough members to vote it into first 😉 As with last month we encourage you to come early and bring a snack or drink to share with the group. There is a new sheet on the whiteboard where you can post what you are bringing. The movie starts at 7pm but we will be here for 530pm setting up so come on in any time after 530. Be sure to bring a comfortable chair or something to sit on. With the weather changing its unlikely we will have the doors open however bring a sweatshirt or something in case the box gets chilly.
Next week we will be sending out a FB invite for the HalloWOD potluck so be on the lookout for that!