Walter and Sofia Post Marathon

Walter and Sofia Post Marathon












Warm Up and Mobility

Pendlay Row
2 x 10
Snatch Grip Deadlift
3 x 1
Max Reps Strict HSPU’s or Handstand Hold
5-10 Wall Squats
Death By Format
Minute 1 Complete 1 x Strict Pull Up + 3 Push Ups/2 Push Ups
Minute 2 Complete 2 x Strict Pull Up + 6 Push Ups/4 Push Ups
Minute 3 Complete 3 x Strict Pull Up + 9 Push Ups/6 Push Ups
Once you fail start back over at the beginning on next minute
 Howdy Rail Trailers,
Saturday at 1pm is our next Strongman class at CFRT and it’s shaping up to be a pretty awesome time.  I’ve got some really fun stuff planned for the day, and am looking forward to seeing some new faces in class.  In case you haven’t noticed, we have some atlas stones in the works in the “caboose” or “boom boom room” (depending on which you prefer).  Atlas stones are one of the more versatile pieces of strongman equipment and are typically saved as the last event in a strongman show as they require the most overall strength.  More importantly, they are also a TON of fun to play with.See you at the box!
Kelly G