
Kelly and Mini G Post Strongman Comp. Proud of you ladies!

Warm Up and Mobility

1-4 x Muscle Up practice
15 x Med Ball Sit Ups+ Max Hollow Hold
Warm Up/Skill
(Snatch Pull+High Hang Power Snatch+Hang Power Snatch+Snatch)
(1+1+1+1) x 2
OTM 6 Complex
First 3 Minutes
Power Snatch+Hang Power Snatch+OHS
Last 3 Minutes
Every Two Minutes Complete AMRAP of
3 x Front Squats 185/125
6 x C2B Pull Ups
9 x KB Swings 70/53
30 Seconds rest between rounds
Repeat for a Total of 4 Rounds
Scale appropriately, reduce skill level and weight to keep constant movement
Strongman Comp
Our resident Strongwomen got after it today down in Connecticut at The Battle of the Belles V. They placed really well in a stacked line up. We are so proud of you ladies, you represented all that CFRT is about! For those of you who are unsure about trying Strongman at Rail Trail, dont be! Lots of fun for all ability levels! Proud of you Kelly G and Mini!