CFRT Strongman

CFRT Strongman

Warm Up and Mobility

Warm Up/Skill
(Clean Pull+High Hang Power Clean+Hang Power Clean+Clean)
(1+1+1+1) x 2
OTM 6 Complex
First 3 Minutes
Power Clean+Hang Power Clean+Clean+Jerk
Last 3 Minutes
Clean and Jerk
Front Squat
65% x 5
75% x 3
85% x 1
95% x 1
100% x 1-2
85% x 5
For Time
1 x Strict HSPU
Run 100m
2 x Strict HSPU
Run 200m
3 x Strict HSPU
Run 300m
4 x Strict HSPU
Run 400m
5 x Strict HSPU
Run 300m
6 x Strict HSPU
Run 200m
7 x Strict HSPU
Run 100m
8 x Strict HSPU
Run 200m
9 x Strict HSPU
Run 300m
10 x Strict HSPU
Run 400m
As you know this Friday is our HalloWOD and Potluck. There is a space on the white board on the reverse side if you would like to write down what you are brining as to not duplicate effort 🙂 . Its going to be a blast Rail Trailer’s, get excited!!
P.S If you have been in the past couple days your legs have been probably worked hard. If this is the case just do OLY with no squat, all power. Or just do mobility during the Strength/Oly session. Recovery is important, and the running will help. Don’t want to overdue the legs 🙂