Kate aka Mini G

Kate aka Mini G

Warm Up and Mobility

5-10 C2B Pull Up practice
5-10 Wall Squats
Warm Up/Skill
2 x 5 Sotts Press
2 x 5 OHS
Snatch Drops 3 x 2
Snatch Balance 3 x 2
OTM 10
10 x Deadlift (225/155)+ max squats with remaining time (Even)
15/12 x Push Ups + Max Flutter Kick (Odd)
Score is highest and lowest reps of air squats and flutter kicks
Kate aka Mini Garabadian
As a kid, I was quiet, overweight, and didn’t enjoy participating in sports or physical education.  Over the past two years, I have been working from ground zero to become an athlete, and while I have made so much progress through CrossFit, I feel like I finally found my sport in Strongman.  Last Sunday, I competed in my first Strongman competition, and it was awesome!  During my training, I had struggled with the 80lb log clean and press, but when I stepped up to the log competition day, I blew away my goal of just 5 reps, by 12, for a total of 17.  You might be intimidated to try Strongman, and you might feel like you aren’t strong enough to do it, but you are.  I can proudly say I came in 8th out of 25 people in my first competition, and learned that I am way stronger than I give myself credit for.