HalloWOD Party

HalloWOD Party

Warm Up and Mobility
“Lucky Hat”
For Time
Thrusters 135/95
Strict Pull Ups
Rest 2 minutes
Thrusters 115/75
C2B Pull Ups
Rest 3 Minutes
Thrusters 95/55
Pull Ups
*Experienced do all three, Intermediate do last two, Beginners do last one*
Shirts During a WOD
I recently read an article on people working out with or without a shirt on. I personally don’t have anything against either. I rarely take mine off during a workout. It has to be extremely hot and my shirt soaked with so much sweat its actually weighing me down.  I have not found a need to “Let Belly Fly” prior to a workout, unless maybe its an outdoor WOD and I’m trying to get some vitamin D 😉 What are your thoughts on the matter/ experiences CFRT??!