Happy Birthday Judy!!

Happy Birthday Judy!!

Warm Up and Mobility

Warm Up/Skill
(Sn Pull+ Hang Pull+ High Hang Pull +Snatch)
(1+1+1+1) x 3
3 x 1
(If you missed previous High Hang or Hang work you must make it up before snatching from floor)
20 Rep Max Back Squat
14 Minute Clock, Death by format
1 x Power Clean 185/125 or 65 % of 1RM
Matt Melcher
We want to officially congratulate Matt Melcher on our WOD Post. As you may know, he was selected for a very grueling obstacle race packed only with talented and dedicated racers. The Race is the OCR, Obstacle Racing Championships, and he placed 32nd in the Age Group Division and 7th in his actual age group!! We are so proud of his dedication and character he displays inside and outside of the Box. When you guys see him around be sure to congratulate him personally. Job well done Melcher, you are the man! We are proud to have you represent CFRT!