Joe Braga earned his patch completing the Go Ruck Challenge!

Joe Braga earned his patch completing the Go Ruck Challenge!

Warm Up and Mobility

Warm Up/Skill
Push Jerk + Split Jerk
2+1 x 3
Push Jerk 3 x 1
Split Jerk 3 x 1
Front Squat
50% x 8
60% x 4
75% x 1
85% x 1
95% x 1
105+ x 1
The Bear Complex
5 Sets for Load of the following sequence
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Back Rack Push Press
Repeat for a total of 7 times. Bar can never touch the ground. Only Touch and Go is allowed for the cleans. 
Go Ruck Challenge
Challenge accepted and conquered by Joe Braga! It was a grueling night into day, 14 hours total! Proud of you Joe, way to represent CFRT. Now get some rest, you’ve earned it!!