Thank You!

Thank You!

Warm Up and Mobility

5 Rounds of
40 seconds of double unders, 20 seconds rest


Warm Up/Skill
(Clean Pull+High Hang Power Clean+Hang Power Clean+Clean & Jerk)
(1+1+1+1) x 2
OTM 6 Complex
First 3 Minutes
Power Clean and Jerk
Last 3 Minutes
Clean and Jerk
“Foot Massage”
 Snatch’s 135/95 (Power or Squat)
10-20-30-40-50 of
 Double Unders
Veterans Day
CFRT would like to wish all of our veterans a Happy Veterans Day! We would also like to thank their families that support them. Without their support they would not be able to perform their duties. Thank YOU for your service and enjoy your well deserved holiday! If CFRT Veterans wouldn’t mind, we’d like you to post your rank, name, branch and term of service so you can be formally recognized for your service.
SFC Burnes, Michael US Army National Guard 1997- present (Almost 18 Years)
Oct 2001-Oct 2002 Operation Noble Eagle (Stateside)
Sept 2003-Sept 2004 Operation Enduring Freedom GTMO, Cuba
July 2007-July 2008 Operation Iraqi Freedom – Baghdad Iraq
August 2010 -August 2011 Operation Enduring Freedom – Ghazni Afghanistan