The Boss Lady and Strongman Coach Kelly G

The Boss Lady and Strongman Coach Kelly G

Warm Up and Mobility

Front Squat 
60% x 10 
70% x 8 
80% x 3-5 
70% x 6 
60% x 8
First 5 reps @ 60% should have a 2 second pause in rock bottom position, speed on the way out of the hole
On the way back down @ 60 % last four reps done with a 2 second pause
5-10 Strict T2B
Max Handstand Hold (Advanced do handstand walk)
“Tasty Burger”
6 x HSPU
100 Meter Run
12 x Lunges
100 Meter Run
24 x Double Unders
100 Meter Run
We all have that thing that drives and motivates us in workouts. Some get angry, some do the opposite and remain calm, but everyone thinks about something that motivates them. When the workout gets tough and seems to turn on you, what do you turn to for motivation?
Reminder to please email me your before and after strength numbers if you havent already. This will help make an even better program going forward! I need back and front squat. Strict and push press and deadlift.
Squat Hold Challenge Day 22