Warm Up and Mobility
Gymnastics/Skill 3 RNFT 2 – 4 Rope Climb Practice 5-10 Plate Squats with 5 second hold at rock bottom Oly Warm Up/Skill (Sn Pull+ Hang Pull+ High Hang Power Snatch + Hang Snatch) (1+1+1+2+1) x 2 Snatch 2 x 3 High Hang Power Snatch 3 x 1 High Hang Squat “Five Words” For Time 1-2-3-4-5 of Strict Pull Ups followed by a 100m run after every round, end on the run immediately into 15-20-25 of Pull Ups followed by a 200m run after each round, ending on the run Weekend Activities Please join us in Congratulating CFRT Strongman Coach Kelly Garabadian on taking first place at her Ohio Strongman comp!! She has earned herself an invite to nationals next year. She also managed to PR every event AND set a few national records. We could not be more proud of our girl!!! Dave Stewart aka Stewie and crew competed hard and honorably at their competition! And Joe and Judy and Dan O attacked Spartan Fenway today! Hope everyone had fun. We are proud of you all!
I have a feeling this picture is going to live on in infamy!!! Thanks for all the love and support guys! CFRT is the best.
Great work this weekend Rail Trailers!!!!
Congrats Kelly G.!
Incredible job, Kelly! Way to crush it.
Was able to get over to Synergistics to cheer on Stewie! Great job, Dave! Way to represent.
Great job Joe, Judy and Dan!
Get some well – deserved rest!
Congrats Kelly!!!
full class, nice OLY, nice WOD, lots of fun!!
“Five Words”
Thanks Mike and Sarah!
You rock Kelly G!
These OLY vs Gymnastics choices are hard, but I can never pass on a chance to get some Snatch tips.
Five Words – 13:09 (banded strict/ring rows)
My Rowling was rusty 🙂 Thanks Mike and Sarah!
2 x 3 High Hang Power Snatch worked up to 75
3 x 1 High Hang Squat Snatch worked up to 80
If I could high hang every oly lift, I think I’d be a happy girl
“Five Words”
13:35 with jumping pull-ups
Huge 9am class today! Thanks Mike and Sarah!
Oly – 45#. I landed those last few squat snatches which made me happy.
“Five Words” – 13:00
Strict pull ups through the first 4 rounds – with some kicking – (except last rep used band) then use a red band for assist in 5th. Red band kip second half.
Congrats Kelly!!!
“Five Words”
Jumping pullups off plates then ring rows
Good work 8am! More people need to get up early so we can do some farmer lumberjack work 🙂
You guys were like pull up Ninja Warriors and speed demons, looking good everyone!See everyone bright and early!!
This looked like a great WOD I wish I could have made it