Some of the crew getting after some sushi

Some of the crew getting after some sushi

Warm Up and Mobility

Movie Clue ” Road Runner Thrust Maneuver”
CrossFit Benchmark WOD
5 x Pull Ups 
10 x Push Ups
15 x Air Squats
Positive Self Talk Challenge
Hey CFRT, we’ve got another challenge for you. And no, not a 30 day one like the squat challenge, which is still going on the by the way (Day 29)  Just one day is all I ask this time. I want you to go one day trying to push aside negative thoughts and actions, replacing them with positive ones. When you wake up, start off with a smile and a positive thought. Say it aloud  as I find this helps. Start the day off right and try to recognize any negativity that may set in. Examples can be, “I am so tired, this day is going to be hard”. Or “its so cold outside, I can’t stand the cold”. These may seem like small, harmless thoughts, but they can start a cycle of larger, more negative thoughts. So I want you to go a whole day and try to realize when you are thinking negatively and try to turn it around. This takes a lot of awareness and thought. Try not to go on auto pilot and instead stay on task. So as always please state if you are willing to try it and see how it goes.