Post Hero WOD toast

Post Hero WOD toast

Warm Up and Mobility

Warm Up/Skill
Sotts Press 1 x 5
Snatch Drops 2 x 5
Snatch Balance 4 x 2
OHS 3 x 5
5 x 3 Deadlift
“Need for Speed”
Tabata of
Muscle Cleans 95/65 ( First 4 Rounds)
Push Ups ( Next 4 Rounds)
Rest 1 Minute
Tabata of 
Air Squats 
Sit Ups
(Alt Rounds)
Post Turkey Day
Hope everyone had a fun and safe Thanksgiving.  Today’s WOD is a back off day coming off the tough week and Turkey Day. Come in , have fun with the CFRT family and work off the cheat days. We are running a full schedule, so all classes are available.  Don’t forget to drink water and we will see everyone tomorrow!