Kelly G and Michael D

Kelly G and Michael D

Warm Up and Mobility

Front Squat 
65% x 8 
75% x 6 
85% x 3-5 
75% x 6 
65% x 8
First 4 Reps at 65% 2 second pause in bottom
Last Four Reps on the final set of 65% 2 second pause at bottom
6-12 Ring Dips
5-10 Wall Squats
“Everybody’s a Suspect”
Tabata of
Toes to Bar
(Alternate Rounds)
immediately into
Tabata of
Strict Pull Ups
Jump Squats
(Alternate Rounds)
This is a back off day if you pull is gone from the week go ahead and sub out the pull ups. Coach’s will have alternate movements. ( maybe work a Goat 😉 )
Recovery and Over Training
Hey gang, just wanted to reiterate some things we have talked about in regards to over training or just overuse. If you dont take rest days your body will never recover and develop properly.It is vital to balance training with rest and recovery. You need proper nutrition, hydration and adequate sleep. Also if you feel muscle tightness, sore joints, back off a little. I know its fun to squat and Oly all the time. But if your knees and muscles get so stiff you cant WOD, or its uncomfortable that will slow you down as well. Just pick the other option such as Gymnastics or just do some mobility during that period. Overall everyone is balancing everything nicely, staying healthy and getting fitter every time you step in the Box. Absolutely love how everyone is developing, keep it going CFRT!