Warm Up and Mobility
Strength Front Squat 6 x 2 Gymnastics/Skill 3 RNFT 3-4 Muscle Up Practice 5-10 Wall Squats “Be the Best” For Time 5-4-3-2-1 Clean and Jerk 205/140 (Power or Full, your choice) 1-2-3-4-5 Muscle Ups Mobility Class So CFRT’s first of many mobility classes lead by the mobility wizard herself Coach Sarah is in the books! How does everyone feel ? Did you get a lot of information out of it? Do you feel better equipped to tackle pre and post WOD mobility on your own? Lets hear from you CFRT, maybe those who didnt or could not attend can get some insight on your experiences!
Very helpful mobility class. Thank you coach Sarah.
Front Squats: 6 X 2 all @ #225
Be The Best: 6:35 (155/C2B x 3)
Great work 8 am and great warmup and coaching PJ.
AWESOME fiesta last night, tons of laughs, ton of fun. Judging from the size of the 8 am class it looks like a lot of ppl enjoyed themselves last night.
Enjoy the Day.
Worked on getting closer to a muscle up. Swung on the rings for the first time today. Fun!
Be The Best – 8:22, 110# and ring rows to work on the false grip.
Great 8am class! Thanks PJ!
Front squats: 6×2 up to 110#
“Be the best” Not sure what my time was. first round 85# then 75#. Clean only. Jump and a few kipping pu.
Thanks for a great class PJ!
Busy day! Late comment 🙂
10:33 with 95# and jumping pull-ups.
Speaking of pull-ups I got my first one today!!! It was from a dead hang and no wiggling 🙂
Thanks mike pj and Sarah for all you help!!
Yeah you did!! Hard work pays off, great job Kirsti.