Happy Birthday Emily!! (Sunday)

Happy Birthday Emily!! (Sunday)

Warm Up and Mobility

5 Rounds of
40 seconds of double unders, 20 seconds rest
Warm Up/Skill
Coach lead
OTM 6 
First 3 Minutes
2 x Hang Power Snatch +  1 OHS
Last 3 Minutes
2 x Hang Snatch
“Perfect Assembly”
5 x OHS 95/65
10 x Hang Power Cleans
5 x Bar Facing Burpees
10 x Power Cleans
Holiday Party
Thanks so much to everyone that was able to make it out to CFRT’s first Holiday party. (To those who couldn’t, we missed you and wish you were there too) You guys make our community so special and lots of fun!! And last night was just another example how awesome our community is. Lots of laughs, food and drinks! (Some of us may have indulged a little with the last one 😉 ) Hope everyone had as much fun as we did! If you werent able to make it, dont worry. We are constantly having  fun activities here at CFRT!!