Warm Up and Mobility
“Despair” AMRAP 7 2 x Bar Muscle Ups 4 x HSPU’S 6 x Back Squats 165/ 115 Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP 6 4 x C2B 6 x Hand Release Push Ups 8 x Back Squats 135/95 Rest 1 Minute AMRAP 5 6 x Pull Ups 8 x Push Ups 12 x Air Squats Post Scores for all AMRAPs Internal Fun Down Throwing some potential dates for our next In House. We are thinking January 31st or February 1. I know that’s Super Bowl Sunday, so let us know what you think Rail Trailers!
cant wait to do This one. This one looks awesome
I also ment to write that I’m down with internal throwdown on Super Bowl sunday
1/31 works, 2/1 does not – definitely in if 1/31 – looking forward to it 😉
MonicaB / not minivan – new phone has super aggressive autocorrect – ps – bummed to miss this one but tomorrow is hill night and that never pairs well with weighted squats 😉 – so it is slmist a rest day
Either day works for me as long as we are done by 4pm
Either day works!
either for me too.
Great job morning classes, way to get after it.
2 x C2B
4 x HSPU’S
6 x Back Squats #120
Rest 2 Minutes
4 x C2B
6 x Hand Release Push Ups
8 x Back Squats #95
Rest 1 Minute
6 x Pull Ups
8 x Push Ups
12 x Air Squats
Great work 5 AM. Felt like I ran outta gas a lil bit at the end. Thanks for the coaching PJ.
Enjoy the day.
Either day for the Throwdown works for me –
Looking forward to tonights workout! Might have to do ring muscle ups instead of bar….
Do bar attempts Gary, you’ll get them!
Agree – and thanks for the confidence! More worried about my hands – tore them up last night practicing… Super glue did wonders – hope it holds!
“practicing” = excessive masturbation
Gaff – I see your married too!
“You’re” for the grammar police (Emily…) ;-))
Gracias, Gary. Punctuation matters.
That got weird quickly 😉
AMRAP 7: 4+10 jumping pullups, kb situps, 95# back squats
AMRAP 6: 3+1? jumping pullups, mb situps, 75# back squats
AMRAP 5:4+2? jumping pullups, situps
Shoulder feeling not so hot even at rest, so taking it easy.
Thanks for the subs PJ, looking forward to my 6 pack 🙂
Nice job Lori!
Mid line stability!
1) 4 rounds
Bar M.U./HSPU/165#
2) 3+7
3) 5+1
Thank you Pj and great work 5am.
I am on call for work Super Bowl weekend. If we do Saturday I’m sure I could get someone to cover for me. Sunday would not work.
I’m in for superbowl sunday for the internal throwdown
AMRAP 7- 4+4
Red band C2B, box HSPU, 95# BS
AMRAP 6- 3+10
Red band C2B/PU, med ball sit ups, 65# BS
AMRAP 5- 4
Ring rows, sit ups
What a good burner this was! Thanks for the tips PJ on the box HSPU’s. Nice job 930!
I have an “Out” House comp on 1/31, but will be happy to volunteer should you do it on Super Bowl Sunday.
4 rounds
All as Prescribed by Mike
I thought the MU’s were going to be the toughest but found that my HSPU were the first to go. I felt pretty spent after the WOD and took me a little longer to recover than normal. Probably due to Beer and Junk food. Thanks PJ for a great class. Nice work 930!
Easy day Phil!
Despair definitely a good word for the WOD,
Amrap 7: 6+20 using 145# box squats and c2b pull-ups, box hand stands
Amrap 6: 4+6 using 115# box squats, c2b
Amrap 5: 2+20 box air squats
Wow the hand release pushups were brutal and my grip definitely gave out during the last round! Felt good to have weight on the squats though! Knee was a little sore today so tried to take it a little easier….well somewhat!
5+6 C2B, 135, HSPU 1 ABMAT
4+4 115
Great job 7 pm!! Thanks PJ
1 Ab mat, I knew it!
4 – Purple band MU, 115#
4 – C2B and 95#
I’m all for the throw-down on Super Bowl Sunday 🙂
At a girl!
‘Despair’ @1900
AMRAP7 4+2
1MU,1attempt/ HSPU (1abmat on last round)/ #115
AMRAP6 4+3
AMRAP5 4+16
Awesome WOD, I can’t lift my arms right now…..!
Congrats Amy on those C2B! Solid!
I’m cool with Super Bowl Sunday and maybe watch the game in the BOX?!??!…
Great job PJ, thank you!
Doing bar muscle ups in a wod, fantastic!
Despair. This one should have been titled “Torture” lol
7- 4+6 105#, c2b attempts (I got 1!!) and kipping hspu
6- 4 @ 85#, pull ups (I didn’t have much left to even attempt c2b)
5- 3 + ?
I’m in for super bowl weekend!
Amrap 7: (6+6)
2 C2B
4 Box HSPU
6 Back Squats 115#
Amrap 6: (4+10)
4 C2B
8 Back Squat 95#
Amrap 5: (3+16)
6 Pull up
8 Push-up
12 Air Squat
Amrap 7: (6+6)
2 C2B
4 Box HSPU
6 Back Squats 115#
Amrap 6: (4+10)
4 C2B
8 Back Squat 95#
Amrap 5: (3+16)
6 Pull up
8 Push-up
12 Air Squat
That sucked but felt so good after!
Amrap 7- 6+6 (jumping pu, hspu, 65# back squat)
Amrap 6- 3+4 (jumping pu, hand release pu, 55# back squat)
Amrap 5- 4+14
Thanks PJ for the coaching! Fun class!
No scale on the HSPU’S, great job Judy!
Amrap 7 – 5 (jumping pu, box HSPU, 75# back squat)
Amrap 6 – 3+10 (jumping pu, hand release pu, 65# back squat)
Amrap 5 – 4 (jumping pu, knee pushup)
This was a tough one! Thanks PJ, good work 7pm.
Bobby & I are down for the throwdown that weekend!