Three of the 6am ladies getting after it!

Three of the 6am ladies getting after it!

Warm Up and Mobility

Front Squat
65% x 5
75% x 3
85% x 1
95% x 1
100% x 1-2
85% x 5
5 -1 0 Pull Up Practice
1 Minute KB Squat Hold
Open Prep
5 – 10 C2B – Unbroken- (Even)
25 x Double Unders – Unbroken- (Odd)
“Double Arcs”
5 RFT 
5 x Ring Dips 
10 x Russian Swings 70 / 53 
20 x Sit Ups 
40 x Double Unders 
Clean Eating Challenge Support
Wanted to highlight how much we love that you guys are sharing your temptations and questions on the event page.  Its so great to see how you guys, as a community, respond with encouraging words and tips! That is what it’s all about gang, we are so proud of all of you!