Happy Birthday Laurie P ! (Tuesday )

Happy Birthday Laurie P ! (Tuesday )

Warm Up and Mobility

5 Rounds of
40 seconds on double Under Practice
20 seconds rest
Open Prep
2 -4 Muscle Ups (Even)
20 x Speed deadlifts ( Very Light) (Odd)
3 x Three Position Clean (HH+H+Cl)
Light to Moderate
1Rm Clean
“Cracker Jack Timing”
1 Minute of Calorie Row
1 Minute of Double Unders
1 Minute Push Press 75/55
Rest 30 Seconds 
Repeat for a total of 3 rounds 
Movie Choices
Hey gang , we are going to post the movie in the group as well. The choices are Men of Honor, Scream, Top Gun. Let’s hear from you Rail Trail!!