Happy Birthday Liz D (Saturday )

Happy Birthday Liz D (Saturday )

Warm Up and Mobility

5 -1 0 Pull Up Practice
1 Minute KB Squat Hold
Open Prep
5 – 10 C2B – Unbroken- (Even)
25 – 50 x Double Unders – Unbroken- (Odd)
Warm Up Coach Lead
Sotts Press 1 x 5
Snatch Drops 2 x 5
Snatch Balance 3 x3
OHS 2 x 8
Death by Strict Pull Up
Week 3 
We are entering the third week of the challenge!  Make sure you guys enter your scores on the wall. Still missing some scores from week one. Let’s stay strong and reap the benefits! 
* Also be aware of an impending snow storm coming up in the next couple days.  Plan ahead and be safe. Reach out if you guys need anything!  *