Joe B w/ Dan Bailey

Joe B w/ Dan Bailey

First Class will be the 9:30

Warm Up and Mobility

Warm Up Coach Lead
2 x 3 High Hang Power Clean
3 x 1 High Hang Clean
50% x 8
60% x 4
75% x 1
85% x 1
95% x 1
101 – 105% + x 1
The 101 – 105 % is a big jump. Use how you feel on 95% to determine where in that range you should be. If you dont know stay on lower end.
“Kitchen “
With a running clock complete 
30/25 Calorie Row
Max Box Jumps 24 / 20 
3:00- 6:00
25 x Hang Squat Cleans 95 / 65 
Max Lateral Barbell Hops 
6:00- 9:00
20 x OHS
Max Double Unders 
Post scores for Box Jumps, Barbell Hops and Double Unders 
Snow Storm 
Hope everyone made thorough the storm ok, and with all their points intact  😉 See you guys tomorrow!