Happy Birthday Dayse (Monday )

Happy Birthday Dayse (Monday )

Warm Up and Mobility

Warm Up Coach Lead
OTM 6 Complex
First 3 Minutes
2 x High Hang Power Snatch +  1 OHS
Last 3 Minutes
2 x High Hang Snatch
Front Squat
50% x 8
60% x 4
75% x 1
85% x 1
95% x 1
105+ x 1
“Gold Slick”
For Time 
40 Calorie Row
40 x T2B
40 x Box Jumps 24/20 
40 x Ring Dips
2k Row
Just a reminder guys to get your 500m split times from your 2k row yesterday. If you didn’t get it your split, just use this calculator to get it. That pace you will use as your guide for most rows you do at CFRT. If you didn’t get a chance , try your best to make it up later.  Here we go!