Matt L

Matt L

Warm Up and Mobility

2 x 3 Hang Power Clean
3 x 1 Hang Clean

Strict or Bench Press
60% x 5
70% x 5
80% x 5
70% x 5

“You’ve got Red on You”

1 Minute of OHS 95/65
1 Minute of Burpees over Bar (Lateral )
1 Minute of Power Clean
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat for a total of 3 Rounds

The goals board is filling up, which is awesome! Keep posting them everyone so we can help you achieve them! Small attainable goals will lead to our bigger long term goals. If you would like to sit down  and discuss your goals, let one of the Coach’s know, we would love to help! You guys are killing it, lets keep it going Rail Trailers!