Happy Birthday Sofia!(Sunday)

Happy Birthday Sofia!(Sunday)

Warm Up and Mobility


First 3 Minutes
2 x Hang Power Snatch + 1 OHS

Last 3 Minutes
2 x Hang Snatch

60% x 5
70% x 5
80% x 5
70% x 5

“El Paso”
1 Minute of Calorie Row
1 Minute of Box Jump Overs 20″
1 Minute of Med Ball Cleans 20 / 14
1 Minute of Double Unders
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat for a total of 3 rounds

22 WOD to End Veteran Suicide was a smashing success today! Thanks to everyone who came and poured their hearts into the Wod. Lots of awareness and money was raised for this cause. Lets keep getting it out there, we wont stop until there is none!

This weeks programming will be a little different with our retest for The Clean Eating Challenge (Tuesday) and the start of the Open. The programming will also be a little altered for the five weeks of the Open as well. Lets do it Rail Trailers!