Happy Birthday Tim M! (Tuesday )

Happy Birthday Tim M! (Tuesday )

Warm Up and Mobility

Back Squat
60% x 10
70% x 8
80% x 3-5
70% x 6
60% x 8

First 5 Reps at 60% and last 4 Reps at 60% perform a second pause

5 -10 Pull Up Practice
5 – 10 Floor Kips
Open Prep
5 – 10 C2B – Unbroken- (Even)
5 x Box Jumps 30/24″ + 25 x Double Unders – Unbroken- (Odd)

“Huntington Cemetery”

8 x Clean and Jerks 135/95
2 Rounds of Cindy
6 x Clean and Jerks 185/130
2 Rounds of Cindy
4 x Clean and Jerks 205/145
2 Rounds of Cindy
2 x Clean and Jerks 225/ 155

So gang if your legs typically don’t recover within a couple of days of doing back squats, the skip them today and make it up later. You don’t want rubber legs for Friday Open WOD. Going forward the next five weeks the Squats will be more towards the beginning of the week to ensure they are not over loaded.  Any questions just ask a Coach. Let’s do it Rail Trailers!