Happy Birthday Steph L !! (Wednesday)

Happy Birthday Steph L !! (Wednesday)

Warm Up and Mobility

Open Prep
Work your biggest weakness

Movie Clue – “Justice” “Mercy” Clemency”

1 Minute of work followed by 20 seconds of rest of each of the following

Wall Balls
Hand Release Burpees
Box Jumps 30/24
Box Jumps 24/20
Squat Clean Thrusters
Burpee Box Jumps 20″

This is it, last Open Prep of the season. As before keep the weight light and focus on the efficiency in each movement. Move with a purpose in this though to prepare us for tomorrow. If your legs are smoked from this week, use as active recovery.  This will have us ready regardless of what Castro has cooked up for us. Lets be smart , have fun and bring on 15.5!!!!