Happy Birthday Anna

Happy Birthday Anna L !! (Monday )

Warm Up and Mobility


Push Press

Heavy Single

Push Jerk

3 x 1


Gymnastics / Skill


5 – 10 Unbroken Strict HSPU’S or Handstand Hold

1 Minute Squat Hold (active)

“Fighting Irish”


8 x Power Cleans 135 / 95

10 x Back Squats

20 x Lateral Barbell Hops

We want to congratulate Jordy Callahan on killing it at his competition this past Sunday. He placed 25th out of a talented field of 39. Way to go Jordy! Also thanks to those who went out and supported him!

Also starting April 1 our noon class will be changed to an Open Gym format.  This will allow folks that haven’t been able to get in, a chance to make up wods, strength etc. Our number 1 goal is giving you the best out there and this change is another step towards that goal. Time to get strong and ripped for summer CFRT!