Lori gutting out every rep of 15.5. Look at that determination!

Lori gutting out every rep of 15.5. Look at that determination!









Warm Up and Mobility

5 – 10 Strict T2b or K2E
Max Unbroken Double Unders or 1 minute of singles

Front Squat
6 x 2

“Sunny Day”
For Time
50 x Wall Balls 20/14
40 x KB Swings 70/53
30 x Box Jumps 24/20
20 x Hand Release Push Ups 
10 x Bar Muscle Ups

Optional Cash Out
100 Sit Ups


Reminder: Tomorrow is the first day of our new Open Gym schedule. Mon-Fri 12-1pm.

Also, the schedule for the holiday weekend is as follows. Saturday 8 and 9am, 10-12 open gym. Sunday, Easter, 9am ONLY. Then its off to enjoy time with your families.