Jordy about to damage to a Barbell!

Jordy about to damage to a Barbell!

Warm Up and Mobility

Movie Clue – Flash Gordon

Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
12 Deadlifts @ body weight
21 Box jump  20″
CrossFit Bench mark workout

Strength Numbers
Just a quick note guys about the strength numbers currently. Because of the Open our training has been more segmented because leading up the unknown workouts at each week. This has left the strength to be in the beginning of the week only and we didn’t hit nearly as much as we typically do. Now that we are normal schedule those weights that feel super heavy now will get back to feeling ‘Normal” in no time. Also the programming in the Metcons is also being shifted towards more strength at times, so you may be more sore than normal. As always properly recovery , take appropriate time off and don’t over train . Bring on Beach Season!!