Our nephew Cole showing us his muscles while reppin CFRT!

Our nephew Cole showing us his muscles while reppin CFRT! You do not want to mess with this guy!

Warm Up and Mobility

OTM 6 Clean and Jerk Complex
First 3 Minutes
1 x Power Clean +  1 Jerk
Last 3 Minutes
1 x  Clean + 1 Jerk

Back Squat
65% x 5
75% x 3
85% x 3
95% x 1-2
75% x 10



60 x Double Unders

30 Calorie Row

15 x C2B


Reminder: Kelly Gs strongman class is this Sunday 4/19 at 10am. Open gym is as usual from 10-12. If you haven’t tried her class yet you are missing out! Pilates will be coming up again in May and will stay on a more regular bi-weekly schedule. Lots of fun activities to choose from at CFRT!