Michelle C  getting work done in the sun!

Michelle C getting work done in the sun!

Warm Up and Mobility

Pull Up Practice
Max Active Squat Hold holding plate. you choose weight

Open Offseason Work
Accumulate 4- 6 Ring Muscle Ups, note how many unbroken
Max Active Squat Hold holding plate. you choose weight

Snatch Balance 3 x 1
OHS 3 x  1 Build to Heavy Single

“Wrong Ed”
10 x KB Swings 70/53
10 x Box Step Ups with KB 24/20
100m Run

Do something nice for someone
This week or weekend why not take the opportunity to do something nice or unexpected for someone. Be the person who brightens someones day. Call a parent to say hello, help a friend with some chores, surprise your spouse with dinner or flowers OR a clean folded load of laundry 🙂 (whose suggestion is that? Sarah? wait what…) Put a smile on someones face and it will put one on yours too.