Phil and Audie mobilizing

Phil and Audie mobilizing

Warm Up and Mobility

Push Press
2 x 8 (Light)

Split Jerk
Heavy Single

Handstand Hold
5 – 10 x Wall Squat

Offseason Open Work

Minute 1 – Pistol Practice (Heels Down)
Minute 2 – Max Handstand Hold, Freestanding or Handstand Walk

“The painting”
Run 100m
25 x Wall Balls 20/14
Run 200m
20 x Wall Balls
Run 300m
15 x Wall Balls
Run 200m
10 x Wall Balls
Run 100m


Upcoming events:

Looks like the next in-house fundown will be Sunday May 3. Details and sign up to follow. The night before will be our Bingo potluck so break out the recipes and dust off the old good luck charms. Its going to be a fun weekend at CFRT!